Creative workshop: Calligraphy, celebrating the New Lunar Year 農曆新年創意春聯工作坊
Wen-Hsi ( and Martin Harman teamed up to share Wen-Hsi's cultural identity Taiwan through traditional Chinese Characters at two workshops during our artist residency at NES in Skagastrond, Iceland with local school children. You can find out more about this project at: Hofda Skoli.
During these two workshops we introduced information about the New Year celebrations including the traditions, the Asia Callander composed of 12 animals of the Taiwanese zodiac, the different types of brushes that can be used and how to hold them and how to use the ink. We invited the students to practice writing first using the Eight principles of Yong (永字八法). Following this we invited the students to write traditional lucky words on traditional red paper using the ink. We concluded the workshop talking about what we learned and invited the students to take back home their creations.
This workshop was composed of two sessions on the 8th and 9th of February 2023 at:
Fjörubraut 8,
545 Skagaströnd,
Workshop 1. 8th of February 2023. 1 hour 20 minutes with 8-9 years old.
Workshop 2. 9th of February 2023. 1 hour 20 minutes with 10-12 years old.
Thank you Director: Vicki O´Shea and school teacher: Kristbjörg Dúfa Ragnheiðardóttir for helping to organise this.
Customer Review:
"Everyone did great and everyone showed great interest in this project and enjoyed it."
From School: Hofda Skoli. Skagastrond, Iceland.
Wen-Hsi ( and Martin Harman teamed up to share Wen-Hsi's cultural identity Taiwan through traditional Chinese Characters at two workshops during our artist residency at NES in Skagastrond, Iceland with local school children. You can find out more about this project at: Hofda Skoli.
During these two workshops we introduced information about the New Year celebrations including the traditions, the Asia Callander composed of 12 animals of the Taiwanese zodiac, the different types of brushes that can be used and how to hold them and how to use the ink. We invited the students to practice writing first using the Eight principles of Yong (永字八法). Following this we invited the students to write traditional lucky words on traditional red paper using the ink. We concluded the workshop talking about what we learned and invited the students to take back home their creations.
This workshop was composed of two sessions on the 8th and 9th of February 2023 at:
Fjörubraut 8,
545 Skagaströnd,
Workshop 1. 8th of February 2023. 1 hour 20 minutes with 8-9 years old.
Workshop 2. 9th of February 2023. 1 hour 20 minutes with 10-12 years old.
Thank you Director: Vicki O´Shea and school teacher: Kristbjörg Dúfa Ragnheiðardóttir for helping to organise this.
Customer Review:
"Everyone did great and everyone showed great interest in this project and enjoyed it."
From School: Hofda Skoli. Skagastrond, Iceland.
First Workshop with 8-9 years old
Second Workshop with 10-12 years old